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The New Hope Historical Society is committed to a twofold mission.

To preserve and promote the diverse historical influence of New Hope through our stewardship of historic collections, research, and educational activities so that succeeding generations may benefit from our shared knowledge of local history.

To maintain, protect and preserve the Parry Mansion and affiliated structures as a window into how past generations lived, while conserving and offering a collection of documents, objects, and paintings available for viewing through tours and exhibits.

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We have recently updated our website to provide a more engaging experience to members, visitors, donors, or those who want to be educated on the history of New Hope. It should be easier to contact us, join as a member, purchase tickets to events, or donate to the New Hope Historical Society. Over the next several months, we'll be adding our calendar of events, plus additional photos, and information from our archives.

In the meantime, make sure to visit the New Hope Historical Society, take a tour of the Parry Mansion, or take a walking tour of our town.

We hope to see you soon.

January 17, 2025
Buttonwood Street in New Hope is just one block north on Chestnut Street from Bridge Street. This article will focus on one home on Buttonwood, but also remark on other interesting properties nearby. The subject home on Buttonwood was once a stable located on the Bridge Street property now known as the Wedgwood Inn Bed and Breakfast. The inn is clearly visible from Buttonwood Street. At a recent visit to the property on Buttonwood the current owner related that the stable was built in 1833, and at least partially supporting that assertion was the hand-hewn post and beam construction found under the walls during modern renovations. Such construction was most common from the mid-17th to the mid-19th centuries. As stated in our earlier "Beyond the Door" article about the Wedgwood Inn, the building now housing the inn was constructed in 1870 on the stone foundation of an earlier "old hip-roof" house built in 1720. The Buttonwood property owner says the stable was moved to its current location in the 1940's or 1950's and then was used by a blacksmith, and later an upholsterer. In 1958 it was converted to a home. If the stable dates to 1833, it must have been present during the time of both the original 1720 house as well as the still extant 1870 building now housing the Wedgwood Inn. 
October 30, 2024
Situated directly across Main Street from New Hope Historical Society’s Parry Mansion is one of the oldest surviving buildings in New Hope, now housing several commercial ventures including Farley’s Bookshop. The New Hope Historical Society (NHHS) archives include a copy of Margaret Bye Richie’s extensive and well-documented review of historic buildings in New Hope for her 1987 academic dissertation in the University of Pennsylvania Department of American Civilization. In it, she noted that the northern portion of the building was built circa 1748 and was represented on Benjamin Parry’s 1798 map as “No. 21”, while the southern portion was built circa 1830 near the time of the canal construction. Her 1980’s conversation with local architect Donald Hedges quoted him that in 1940 a sign stating “Parry’s General Store” still hung on the building. The Parry Store was likely the first provisions store in New Hope. 
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